Commencing on a journey of international education can be the ultimate adventure, filled with new experiences, cultures, and perspectives. However, when it comes to navigating the administrative waters, even the most intrepid students can feel a bit adrift.

One particular rite of passage that can leave international students feeling like they’re in a maze is obtaining a Social Security Number (SSN). But fear not, dear reader, for this article, we will delve into the mysterious labyrinth of “How To Get SSN For International Student” and emerge with all the knowledge you need to succeed.

We’ll also touch on the International Student Identity Card, a useful tool for exploring the world and all its wonders, and provide other essential information for steering the exciting, sometimes confusing, international student life.

an image to achieve their goals

What Is An International Student?

International students are those who have opted to pursue their academic pursuits in a country that is not their home. By enrolling in a foreign college or university, these students strive to broaden their knowledge, skills, and global understanding, often to obtain a degree or certification that will enhance their career prospects.

Moreover, international students contribute to the economies of the host countries by spending on housing, food, transportation, and other goods and services, which generates employment opportunities and fosters economic growth.

  • Cultural Diversity and Unique Perspectives: International students bring cultural diversity to their host institutions, which promotes a richer and more diverse campus culture. They provide unique perspectives that enrich classroom discussions and can challenge traditional ways of thinking. Having a diverse student body helps break down stereotypes and fosters understanding and tolerance among students, faculty, and staff.

  • Enhancement of Cross-Cultural Communication Skills: International students can help enhance cross-cultural communication skills for both international and domestic students. They provide an opportunity for students to learn and practice communication skills with people from different backgrounds, which can help prepare students for a global workforce. By interacting with international students, domestic students can learn how to better communicate with people from different cultures, which can improve their communication skills and cultural awareness.

  • Exposure to Different Languages, Customs, and Traditions: International students expose their host institutions to different languages, customs, and traditions. Students have the opportunity to learn about other cultures through their peers, which can broaden their perspective on the world. Additionally, international students often bring their unique cultural traditions to their host institutions, which can help enrich the campus culture and create new experiences for everyone.

  • Contribution to the Economy through Spending on Goods and Services: International students also contribute to the economy of their host country through spending on goods and services. They often rent apartments, purchase food, and buy clothing, which helps support local businesses. Additionally, international students may choose to remain in the country after graduation, contributing to the workforce and overall economic growth.

  • Global Networking Opportunities: International students provide opportunities for global networking. They often have connections in their home countries and can help facilitate partnerships between their home institutions and their host institutions. This can help create opportunities for joint research projects, study abroad programs, and other collaborations.

  • Building Bridges between Nations and Promoting International Understanding and Cooperation: Finally, international students can help build bridges between nations and promote international understanding and cooperation. By studying in a different country, they become ambassadors of their home country, sharing their culture and experiences with their host institution. They can also help foster international relationships, which can lead to greater understanding and cooperation between countries. This can help build a more peaceful and interconnected world.
where to start registering

What Is An International Student Identity Card?

An International Student Identity Card (ISIC) is a crucial asset for students who wish to enjoy numerous benefits and savings while studying overseas. As a globally recognized identification card, the ISIC validates your student status and unlocks a wealth of opportunities for savings and discounts on travel, accommodations, and other services. With acceptance in over 130 countries, the ISIC is an invaluable resource for international students seeking to save money while studying abroad.

Here are some of the benefits of having an ISIC card:

  • Discounts on airfare and other forms of transportation.
  • Reduced admission fees to museums, cultural sites, and other tourist attractions.
  • Discounts on food, clothing, and other everyday necessities.
  • Savings on academic supplies such as textbooks and stationery.
  • Access to exclusive student offers, competitions, and events.

Depending on your chosen International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC), there may be additional perks available. For example, if you are studying in the field of education, the ISIC Education Category may offer additional discounts on educational supplies or training resources. It is worth exploring the various ISIC categories to find the best fit for your studies and interests.

With its extensive network of partners and offers, an ISIC card can be an indispensable tool for international students seeking to save money while experiencing all that their host country has to offer.

How To Get A Social Security Number As An International Student

Obtaining an SSN is an essential step for international students who plan to work in the United States. The SSN is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to track your earnings and work eligibility. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get an SSN as an international student:

1. Secure a job offer: Before you can apply for an SSN, you must have a job offer from an employer in the United States. The Social Security Administration only issues SSNs to international students who have valid employment. Therefore, you must first obtain an offer letter or contract from an employer to start the process. Make sure that the job offer is legitimate and meets the SSA’s requirements.

2. Obtain an Employment Authorization Document (EAD): If you’re an international student on an F-1 visa, you’ll need to apply for an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) through the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The EAD serves as proof that you’re authorized to work in the United States for a specified period. To apply for an EAD, you’ll need to fill out Form I-765 and submit it to the USCIS with the required supporting documents.

3. Gather required documents: To apply for an SSN, you’ll need to provide the following documents:

  • Your passport
  • Your I-20 or DS-2019 form
  • Your I-94 Arrival/Departure Record
  • Your EAD (if applicable)
  • A letter from your school’s Designated School Official (DSO) confirming your employment eligibility

4. Visit your local Social Security office: Once you have all the necessary documents, you’ll need to visit your nearest Social Security office to submit your application. You can find your local office by using the SSA’s office locator tool. Make sure to bring all the required documents and complete any additional forms that the SSA may require.

5. Receive your SSN: After submitting your application, it typically takes 2-4 weeks for the SSA to process your request and issue your SSN. Once you receive your SSN, keep it safe, as it’s a crucial piece of identification in the United States. Your SSN will be necessary for tax purposes, opening bank accounts, and applying for credit cards or loans.

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How To Apply For An SSN As An International Student

Applying for an SSN as an international student involves several steps, as outlined in the previous section. To initiate the process of obtaining a Social Security Number, securing a job offer holds immense significance as it serves as a decisive criterion for validating your eligibility to work within the country. Furthermore, if you’re applying for an SSN based on employment authorization, it’s imperative to acquire an Employment Authorization Document from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in advance.

The process of obtaining an SSN involves collecting a multitude of documents, including your passport, I-94 Arrival/Departure Record, and your I-20 or DS-2019 form. This task can be daunting, and it’s advisable to confirm the required documentation with your school’s international student office or the SSA to ensure that you have all the necessary papers in order.

Visiting the local Social Security office in person is an essential step in the SSN application process, as it allows the SSA staff to guide you through the application and verify your documents, ensuring that everything is in order before submission. It’s crucial to keep in mind that the process may take several weeks or even months to complete, and planning accordingly would be prudent.

What Is The Country Of Residence For An International Student?

International students usually establish a temporary residence in the country where they are pursuing their educational program. The country of residence is where they are studying and living during their academic pursuits. However, it is important to note that this temporary residence status is subject to change as international students are generally expected to return to their home country after the completion of their studies.

This expectation of a return to the home country is a crucial factor in the international student experience, as it affects their legal status, employment prospects, and ability to participate in certain academic and cultural activities. Many countries have specific visa requirements for international students, and failure to comply with these regulations can result in legal consequences or prevent future re-entry into the country.

Moreover, international students’ temporary residence status may also have an impact on their post-graduation career plans. While some international students may choose to seek employment opportunities in their country of temporary residence, others may face limitations due to work visa requirements or cultural differences. Thus, it is important for international students to carefully consider their options and plan accordingly for their future after completing their educational program.

Finding new solutions for their assignments

What Happens If An International Student Gets Married?

Here are some things to keep in mind:

1) Your spouse may be eligible for a dependent visa, such as the F-2 or J-2 visa, which will allow them to live in the U.S. with you.

If you are in the United States on a temporary visa, such as an F-1 or J-1 visa, your spouse may be eligible for a dependent visa, such as an F-2 or J-2 visa. This would allow your spouse to accompany you to the U.S. and live with you during your stay. However, it’s important to note that dependent visas may have restrictions on work authorization, meaning that your spouse may not be able to work in the U.S. unless they obtain a separate work visa.

2) These visas typically have restrictions on work authorization, so your spouse may not be able to work unless they obtain a separate work visa.

If your spouse is on a dependent visa, such as an F-2 or J-2 visa, they may not be authorized to work in the U.S. without obtaining a separate work visa. This can be a significant barrier for some couples, especially if both partners had anticipated working while living in the U.S. It’s important to understand the specific restrictions of the dependent visa and explore options for obtaining a work visa if necessary.

3) If you’re on an F-1 visa, getting married may affect your eligibility for practical training opportunities such as Optional Practical Training (OPT) or Curricular Practical Training (CPT). It’s important to consult with an immigration attorney or your school’s international student office to understand how marriage will impact your specific situation.

In some cases, getting married may disqualify you from these opportunities, while in others, it may be possible to continue participating. It’s important to understand the implications of marriage in your specific situation and to consult with an immigration attorney or your school’s international student office for guidance.

4) If you plan to apply for a green card in the future, getting married may be a step toward eligibility for a family-based immigrant visa. However, the process can be complex, so it’s recommended to seek guidance from an immigration attorney.

If you are planning to apply for a green card in the future, getting married to a U.S. citizen or permanent resident may be a step toward eligibility for a family-based immigrant visa. However, the process can be complex, and it’s important to understand the eligibility requirements and application process. Seeking guidance from an immigration attorney can help ensure that you navigate the process successfully.

5) Keep in mind that immigration laws and policies can change, so it’s important to stay informed about any updates that may affect your situation.

Immigration laws and policies can change frequently, and it’s important to stay informed about any updates that may affect your specific situation. This may include changes to visa requirements, eligibility criteria, or processing times, among other things. Keeping up-to-date on these changes can help you make informed decisions about your immigration plans and take advantage of any new opportunities that become available.

What Happens If An International Student Is Out Of Status?

Here is a detailed list of what happens if an international student is out of status:

  1. Inability to continue studies: One of the immediate consequences of falling out of status as an international student is the inability to continue studying in the United States. International students are required to maintain a valid F-1 or M-1 status to enroll in courses and attend classes. If an international student falls out of status, the school may be required to terminate their enrollment, and the student will have to leave the United States.

  2. Loss of work authorization: International students who are out of status lose their eligibility to work on-campus or off-campus. They may also lose eligibility for internships, co-op programs, and practical training programs. This loss of work authorization can have significant financial consequences for the student and may also impact their career prospects.

  3. Difficulty in obtaining a visa in the future: An international student who falls out of status may find it difficult to obtain a visa in the future. When applying for a new visa, the applicant must provide a valid explanation for their previous status violation. The visa officer may view a previous status violation as evidence that the applicant is not likely to comply with visa regulations and may deny the visa application.

  4. Risk of deportation: Falling out of status puts an international student at risk of deportation. If the student remains in the United States after falling out of status, they may be subject to removal proceedings, which can result in deportation. Deportation can have significant consequences, including a bar on re-entry to the United States for a certain period.

  5. Negative impact on immigration applications: A previous status violation can hurt future immigration applications, including applications for permanent residency or citizenship. USCIS may view a previous status violation as evidence of a lack of compliance with immigration laws and regulations, which can result in a denial of the application.


In summary, if you’re an international student wondering how to get SSN international student, it may seem like a formidable challenge. Fear not, however, because armed with the right knowledge, documents, and visa information, you can conquer this task and enjoy a thriving academic journey in the land of opportunity.

So, roll up your sleeves, do your research, and let your SSN-seeking adventure begin!

Questions and Answers

How do I find my SSN number?
You can find your SSN number on your personalized card. Or on your tax documents.

Do I need my SSN to open a bank account?

If you want to open a deposit account or savings account, a financial institution or bank may require you to verify your SSN number.